
Protest at the New Google data collection center locationed in Henderson

I will be Organizing a Protest at the New Google data collection center locationed in Henderson This protest will be in the end of January beginning or February. I would love to see a large crowd. If you would like to be a part of this demonstration DM me. @allidoisowen #MAGA — We Are All Alex Jones! (@HillBenjamin) December 16, 2018

Citizen Activism in the Public Arena is our only escape from the Big Tech Giants and thier Death grip on Conservative Voices #MAGA

Citizen Activism in the Public Arena is our only escape from the Big Tech Giants and thier Death grip on Conservative Voices #MAGA #FreeAlexJones #FreeSpeech #1A #FreeRogerStone #FreeLauraLoomer @allidoisowen @DewsNewz @roarmittens @HarrisonHSmith @DrJaneRuby @the_forced_view — DEPLORABLE HILL (@Deplorable_Hill) December 12, 2018


So I didnt make it on live TV! @allidoisowen ,but you can get your message heard after the event of your choosing! #RedPill #MAGA #infowarsarmy @DewsNewz @roarmittens #1A #FREESPEECH — Deplorable Hill (@HillBenjamin) December 12, 2018

Feds Move To Investigate 9/11 Explosives at WTC’s - BOMBSHELL: Evidence of Controlled Demolition to go before Special Grand Jury

The lawyers’ committee for 9/11 Inquiry submitted a 52 page petition accompanied with 57 pages of scientific evidence and eyewitness testimony on the use of explosives to bring down the 3 WTC buildings- not 2 airplanes. US Attorney Geoggrey Berman’s response indicates there will be an investigation. Feds Move To Investigate 9/11 Explosives at WTC’s - BOMBSHELL: Evidence of Controlled Demolition to go before Special Grand Jury Related: MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! - Must WATCH (with Richard Gage & Barbara Honegger): Truth Teller's Radio Episode 16 - 9/11/2018 JM Talboo Interviews Richard Gage about the 3000+ Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

Give Alex Jones press credentials and sit him next to Jim Acosta Almost 60,000 people have signed. Sign and share! Do it! #Activism #Petition #Acosta #Anticensorship — Styxhexenhammer666 (@Styx666Official) December 6, 2018

MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! - Must WATCH (with Richard Gage & Barbara Honegger)

Josh Sigurdson talks with Richard Gage AIA of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth as well as Barbara Honegger who famously exposed the truth behind the Iran Contra scandal in the 1980s as a member of the Reagan White House with her book 'October Surprise' and now works with the Lawyers Committee For 9/11 Inquiry. Some massive news has come out in recent days regarding a petition originally filed in April of 2018 asking for a new investigation into 9/11. Just a few days ago, LCfor9/11 got a letter back from a US attorney agreeing to comply with a Federal law requiring submission to a special grand jury of report by Lawyers' committee and 9/11 victim family members of "yet to be prosecuted 9/11 crimes." This is the biggest news to come out regarding 9/11 since the 28 pages and by far has more impact. Barbara explains as a private citizen her thoughts on this incredible breakthrough and why it could change everything. She expects it to possibly complete i...