
Showing posts from June, 2018

Uncle Hotep attends Family Separation protest

Uncle Hotep attends Family Separation protest

Occupy Ice #OccupyIcePDX Shuts down Ice in Portland Oregon - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife harassed thanks to Maxine Waters

Occupy Ice #OccupyIcePDX Shuts down Ice in Portland Oregon - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his wife harassed thanks to Maxine Waters Related: Unhinged, Insane, and Out of Touch | Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi's Democratic Party - Is Maxine Waters Trying to Incite a Civil War? - Maxine Waters Asks Her Supporters To Criminally Harass People - Maxine Waters orders more harassment of Trump Aides - Maxine Waters: Rabid and Incoherent Mistress of Mayhem and Unwrapped Mobocrat Incites Violence - Laura Loomer Presses Assault Charges Against Maxine Waters - Judicial Watch files ethics complaint against Maxine Waters - Maxine Waters Is The Most Deranged Politician In History - Maxine Waters Faces Calls For Resignation After Unhinged Rants:

Wanted! Man Threatened To Shoot Trump

Wanted! Man Threatened To Shoot Trump

NFL Responds to Trumps Pardon Recommendation Request

NFL Responds to Trumps Pardon Recommendation Request Petition:

WATCH CNN Get SHREDDED by Trump Supporters As MAGA Power Takes Over Minnesota Rally - HA!!! Man-Bun Wearing Protester Gets In Trump’s Face, Instantly Regrets It After What He Does To Him


BREAKING: Comey CONFRONTED On IG Report, Asked to Apologize to Hillary His Response Made Her FREAK!

BREAKING: Comey CONFRONTED On IG Report, Asked to Apologize to Hillary His Response Made Her FREAK!

A Simple Fix to the illegal alien child issue - Interviewing People At Keep Families Together Protest

A Simple Fix to the illegal alien child issue - Interviewing People At Keep Families Together Protest

Who’s lying about 9/11? Commentary on Jon Gold’s new book – by Erik Larson

In the aftermath of 9/11, those in power who failed to protect the US and defend the Constitution before 9/11 used the attacks as a pretext for suppressing rights and launching wars – and they still do. Those doing so have received public support, and increased authority and budgets from the Executive branch and Congress. Whistleblowers and witnesses pointing to false statements and other wrongdoing were silenced and punished, and still are. There were limited IG and congressional inquiries, and then the 9/11 Commission. All of the Commission’s members and half its staff had political, professional, personal and/or economic conflicts of interest. Its investigation and final report ignored or spun important evidence and witnesses, as well as the vast majority of the questions posed by the Family Steering Committee. Without the efforts by 9/11 families, there may not even have been the 9/11 Commission. A new book by by researcher and activist Jon Gold documents and examines all of this:...


It was no surprise that Obama officials didn’t want to hold Hillary Clinton and other State Department cronies to account for her mishandling of classified materials. But it’s disturbing that the State Department is  still  trying to protect Hillary Clinton and stonewall Judicial Watch. The positions the State Department has taken in federal court on our lawful FOIA suits haven’t changed from the Obama Administration! The Trump-appointed Tillerson State Department repeatedly stonewalled Judicial Watch’s FOIA investigations into potentially illegal conduct by its agency employees! But now, at last there’s a chance for change.  When newly confirmed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was a Congressman, he said: “We’ve had to rely on discovery that has taken place outside of our investigation by groups  like Judicial Watch and others who have made FOIA requests. Instead of the State Department doing what it ought to do, which is respond to a legitimate inquiry from the legis...

Deadly Bird Flu That Kills 40% of Humans Now Airborne In China, Scientists Fear End Of Humanity - Disease X Hits China: New Strain Of Bird Flu Kills 40% Of Those Who Contract, Could Kill 4 Billion

Deadly Bird Flu That Kills 40% of Humans Now Airborne In China, Scientists Fear End Of Humanity - Disease X Hits China: New Strain Of Bird Flu Kills 40% Of Those Who Contract, Could Kill 4 Billion akcandlemaker If you suspect an airborne disease, then you should add some essential lemon drops to a cup or two of water in a bottle...shake it up real good, then soak a bandanna or an air mask in it...wring out the water, then put it over mouth and nose. The lemon oil will kill 99% of all airborne bacteria. Related: How to Beat and Prevent the Avian Flu and Other Influenzas:

Homeless In California Violently Revolt Against Their Technocratic Overlords

Homeless In California Violently Revolt Against Their Technocratic Overlords


Kathleen Kennedy Fired & Why I am Convinced it will happen - Episode 9 Boycott. And why Lucasfilm, J.J. Abrams and Disney Have to course correct listen to fans. And Bob Iger shareholders have no choice but to replace Kathy as Solo A Star Wars story bombs. KATHLEEN KENNEDY IS FIRED & BOYCOTT WARNING FOR STAR WARS EPISODE 9

EMERGENCY: Tommy Robinson Transferred To Muslim Prison, Facing Certain Death - Tommy Robinson’s Final Statement Before Execution BANNED - Tommy Robinson's Fate Will Be The UK’s Fate

EMERGENCY: Tommy Robinson Transferred To Muslim Prison, Facing Certain Death - Tommy Robinson’s Final Statement Before Execution BANNED - Tommy Robinson's Fate Will Be The UK’s Fate Related:

INTEL: Tommy Robinson In Danger, Islamisists Issue Contract

INTEL: Tommy Robinson In Danger, Islamisists Issue Contract Related:

Dennis Rodman Saves the World - Dennis Rodman Has Been Vindicated - North Korea Trump Kim Singapore Summit Was A Success! - Dennis Rodman: Obama Ignored Me, 30 Day Death Threats, and Cries - Dennis Rodman Cries on CNN regarding North Korea - Dennis Rodman Wears MAGA Hat & Cries When CNN Vindicates Him on North Korea

Dennis Rodman Saves the World - Dennis Rodman Has Been Vindicated - North Korea Trump Kim Singapore Summit Was A Success! - Dennis Rodman: Obama Ignored Me, 30 Day Death Threats, and Cries - Dennis Rodman Cries on CNN regarding North Korea - Dennis Rodman Wears MAGA Hat & Cries When CNN Vindicates Him on North Korea Related: The Korea Summit Was Successful and Trumps Critics Sound Insane Trying to Deny That - Donald Trump Played the G7 and NK Card Brilliantly and Will Go Down As the Greatest Natural Pol Ever - Trump to 'Hannity': Kim Jong Un to start denuclearization 'virtually immediately' - Gorka: Singapore summit went beyond all expectations - Dinesh D'Souza: History offered an opening and Trump seized it:

Interviewing Women At Black Women's March

Interviewing Women At Black Women's March

The Korea Summit Was Successful and Trumps Critics Sound Insane Trying to Deny That - Donald Trump Played the G7 and NK Card Brilliantly and Will Go Down As the Greatest Natural Pol Ever - Trump to 'Hannity': Kim Jong Un to start denuclearization 'virtually immediately' - Gorka: Singapore summit went beyond all expectations - Dinesh D'Souza: History offered an opening and Trump seized it

Trump has won four concessions and gained a nice photo op: Trump to 'Hannity': Kim Jong Un to start denuclearization 'virtually immediately' The Korea Summit Was Successful and Trumps Critics Sound Insane Trying to Deny That - Donald Trump Played the G7 and NK Card Brilliantly and Will Go Down As the Greatest Natural Pol Ever - Trump to 'Hannity': Kim Jong Un to start denuclearization 'virtually immediately' - Gorka: Singapore summit went beyond all expectations - Dinesh D'Souza: History offered an opening and Trump seized it

The Korea Summit Was Successful and Trumps Critics Sound Insane Trying to Deny That - Donald Trump Played the G7 and NK Card Brilliantly and Will Go Down As the Greatest Natural Pol Ever - Trump to 'Hannity': Kim Jong Un to start denuclearization 'virtually immediately' - Gorka: Singapore summit went beyond all expectations - Dinesh D'Souza: History offered an opening and Trump seized it

Trump has won four concessions and gained a nice photo op: Trump to 'Hannity': Kim Jong Un to start denuclearization 'virtually immediately' The Korea Summit Was Successful and Trumps Critics Sound Insane Trying to Deny That - Donald Trump Played the G7 and NK Card Brilliantly and Will Go Down As the Greatest Natural Pol Ever - Trump to 'Hannity': Kim Jong Un to start denuclearization 'virtually immediately' - Gorka: Singapore summit went beyond all expectations - Dinesh D'Souza: History offered an opening and Trump seized it

Fleeing Bilderberg Members Confronted At Italian Airport


Patriots Who Protested Bill Clinton Speak Out - Bill Clinton Faces The Ghosts Of Rapes Past - Bill Clinton Confronted Five Times At Austin Speaking Event

Patriots Who Protested Bill Clinton Speak Out - Bill Clinton Faces The Ghosts Of Rapes Past - Bill Clinton Confronted Five Times At Austin Speaking Event Related: What’s the real difference between Bill Clinton and Bill Cosby? The media is starting to ask. From the Washington Post : What’s the difference between the  alleged sexual misconduct of Bill Clinton  and  Bill Cosby ? No two cases are identical, of course, but can you really articulate why one man is a national disgrace and the other remains a political icon,  hitting the campaign trail  for the wife who stood by him in the face of multiple allegations? MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough doesn’t think you can. “I am fascinated to hear why comparing Bill Clinton to Bill Cosby is wrong,” the “Morning Joe” host said on Monday’s program. He added: “I wonder how the public looks at Bill Cosby and says, ‘This beloved man who changed American culture as much as any entertainment figure in our lifetime is going to have to...

Crowd Gathers At Bill Clinton #MeToo Protest, Austin TX

Crowd Gathers At Bill Clinton #MeToo Protest, Austin TX

Reporters Chase Secretive Bilderberg Members Through The Streets of Italy

Bilderberg Members: Björn Wahlroos, Henri de Castries, Michael O'Leary, Stanley Fischer and a surprisingly talkative Danica Kragic are caught on camera in streets on Turin Italy. These people may be the movers and shakers of banking, euro royalty, and intel, but their silence to basic questions is defining. Reporters Chase Secretive Bilderberg Members Through The Streets of Italy

The Parkland Bus Tour starring David and Emma

Editor's Note: Metal detectors is a great idea, as is armed guards and trained civilians. Better mental health treatment, teachers, and parents, would be just grand as well. The Parkland Bus Tour starring David and Emma Related: Related: 5 Points To Counter The NRA DEBUNKED - Penn & Teller Helps Gun Control Supporters Understand The 2nd Amendment: Debunking Gun Control Advocate Statistical Analysis - DAVID HOGG: The Unfiltered, Unpopular Truth! | Louder With Crowder:

#FreeTommy Mob scares UK Police Away

LAWEREWOLF: #FREETOMMY MOB SCARES UK POLICE AWAY: Editor's Note: Nope, not homophobic, see first related link below for a breakdown of the bigger issues at hand with that topic. And no, I don't generally support violence. Certainly not to shut down free speech like ANTIFA, but the tyranny situation in the UK has gone way too far! The US media defends ANTIFA because they are supposedly fighting fascism, when in fact ANTIFA are the fascists, just as the UK police are for locking people up for reporting on pedophiles or a plethora of other things we in the US know as free speech. When reality is no longer inverted and the media's own standards are applied, these actions are justified. Inciting violence is not protected speech when freedom of speech exists, but when it doesn't exist, all options are on the table. C...

Heidi Fleiss tells the truth about #MeToo - Video: #MeToo Protests Breakout At Clinton Book Signings And Rallies - Chain Reaction Of Protesters Threaten To Bring Down The Clintons

Heidi Fleiss tells the truth about #MeToo - Video: #MeToo Protests Breakout At Clinton Book Signings And Rallies - Chain Reaction Of Protesters Threaten To Bring Down The Clintons

Trump asks kneeling players to suggest Pardons What will NFL players do - Trump wanting to Pardon Muhammad Ali proves how loyal he is - President Trump Please pardon Marcus Garvey

Trump asks kneeling players to suggest Pardons What will NFL players do - Trump wanting to Pardon Muhammad Ali proves how loyal he is - President Trump Please pardon Marcus Garvey Related: Trump is Right, NFL Players Should Quit Kneeling - More Whites Than Blacks Are Shot by Police and Adjusting for Population is a Moot Point When Considering Crime Statistics Showing Black Crime and Violence is Astronomically Out of Proportion - Police Violence against Black Men Is Rare And the media narrative to the contrary is damaging - Steve Mnuchin: Trump sees anthem protests as disrespecting the military, veterans and fallen heroes:

Gennifer Flowers levels new allegation against Bill Clinton - #MeToo Protest Of Rapist Bill Clinton's Speech In Austin, Texas


Support Tommy Robinson... Anyway! - Wolf Age

Support Tommy Robinson... Anyway! - Wolf Age Related: Buzzfeed Attacks Free Speech Supporters and Tommy Robinson Advocates as "Right Wing" - Free Tommy Robinson Petition - Rebel Media FIGHTS UK gag order on Tommy Robinson news: E Celeb Tommy Robinson Sentenced to 13 Months in Jail, Muh Free Speech: Small Brain Cucks think Tommy Robinson Dindu Nuffin and USA =/= UK Law:

Official Petition for Congress to Fund Trump’s Wall - More wall being built in San Diego - SECTION OF TRUMP’S WALL UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN SAN DIEGO

Official Petition for Congress to Fund Trump’s Wall: SECTION OF TRUMP’S WALL UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN SAN DIEGO Wall up to 30 feet tall Newsmax  -  JUNE 3, 2018 A 14-mile section of President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is under construction in San Diego at a cost of $147 million, according to local media reports. Construction started Friday at Border Field State Park in San Diego. The wall will stand between 18 and 30 feet tall, include an “anti-climbing” plate and replace over 14 miles of improvised border fencing built in the 1990s out of scrap metal and repurposed steel plates. “The construction of this new substantial wall will improve overall border security, the safety and effectiveness of Border Patrol agents, the safety of the public, and will enhance the atmosphere for business and commerce in the area,” Chief of Customs and Border Patrol of San Diego Rodney Scott told Fox 4 News. Read more

Old Man Spits At Female Reporter Just For Showing Up To ACLU Event - Obscene And Rude ACLU Protesters Shout Foul Language At Children

Old Man Spits At Female Reporter Just For Showing Up To ACLU Event - Obscene And Rude ACLU Protesters Shout Foul Language At Children