Văn Thọ Nguyễn "Oh hey look at me! I'm a white middle-class born and raised knight in shining armor who had never for one day tasted hardship! I grew up scuba diving with my fancy equipment and expensive underwater camera! Out of all the things I could do and professions I could choose, I choose to be as white, middle class as possible and lecture them filthy ch*nx for consuming our lovely oceanic friends! Which are totally inseparable from our everyday lives! Never mind how many companies I could put out of business, never mind how many fishermen's family I could have ruined, let's all be shark huggers! I can't put a hammer to a nail, I can't write one line of computer code, but let me shape the world in my own image and in my own way! You with me my fellow white middle-class born and raised snowflakes and white washed non-whites who totally share my progressive world view?" White liberals is a bane to this world, a spell on humanity and a plague despera...