
Showing posts from November, 2018

Infowars Press Pool Petition Update: Over 40,000 Signatures! (Sign and Share!)

Infowars Press Pool Petition Update: Over 40,000 Signatures! (Sign and Share!)

France Protests Turn Deadly Over Macron, Fuel, Living Conditions & Taxes. Wow! [Paris Protest 2018] - France Rises Up Against Macron. John Kerry Says Climate Change Fuels Migration. - Paris Burns as Protests Over Fuel Prices Rise

France Protests Turn Deadly Over Macron, Fuel, Living Conditions & Taxes. Wow! [Paris Protest 2018] - France Rises Up Against Macron. John Kerry Says Climate Change Fuels Migration. - Paris Burns as Protests Over Fuel Prices Rise

Cruelty of Shark Finning | Sharks Attacked - This Young Woman Will Stop at Nothing to End Shark Finning - Shark Fin Soup is Not Healthy - Smithsonian Channel Shark Girl Documentary

Văn Thọ Nguyễn "Oh hey look at me! I'm a white middle-class born and raised knight in shining armor who had never for one day tasted hardship! I grew up scuba diving with my fancy equipment and expensive underwater camera! Out of all the things I could do and professions I could choose, I choose to be as white, middle class as possible and lecture them filthy ch*nx for consuming our lovely oceanic friends! Which are totally inseparable from our everyday lives! Never mind how many companies I could put out of business, never mind how many fishermen's family I could have ruined, let's all be shark huggers! I can't put a hammer to a nail, I can't write one line of computer code, but let me shape the world in my own image and in my own way! You with me my fellow white middle-class born and raised snowflakes and white washed non-whites who totally share my progressive world view?"  White liberals is a bane to this world, a spell on humanity and a plague despera... - Terrorism Tip

Dear 911 citizen investigators, Please review and independently investigate the following court filings which are filed in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Appeal No. 17-2025 (Brief  filed on 10/27/2018) which can be downloaded directly at  WWW.PACER.GOV .  These court filings document the illegal kidnapping of a witness against Al-Qaeda, which was ordered by Obama/Clinton to try and rig the 2016 election.  The kidnapping triggered a series of events that resulted in a terrorist attack orchestrated by an Al-Qaeda-linked associate of Seddique Mateen, who is a Hillary Clinton supporter and FBI informer/double-agent.  The Judge assigned to the case (Judge Kearney) was just recently removed from the litigation directly by the Third Circuit, which means his rulings will be reversed (or else they are trying to delay Supreme Court review until past the 2020 election).  Please spread the word so that we can complete the 911 investigation and have a free and fair...

Basel, Switzerland - Richard Gage, AIA - Nov 3 - Private Conference: "Time for Change

Basel, Switzerland - Richard Gage, AIA - Nov 3 - Private Conference: "Time for Change Related: Truth Teller's Radio Episode 16 - 9/11/2018 JM Talboo Interviews Richard Gage about the 3000+ Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

Trump Activism

SEND YOUR LETTER TO TRUMP Sign this critical message to have your letter mailed to President Trump and receive updates on the mass censorship of Conservatives. We'll pay the postage! Tell Congress: Pass the Build the Wall and Enforce the Law Act, now!

The Truth About the 2018 Midterm Elections!

The Truth About the 2018 Midterm Elections!

MSNBC’S Maddow Organizing Street Marches

GRABIEN: Upset over President Trump firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow is organizing mass marches. The protests are slated for today at 5 PM. “It’s happening,” she wrote online. “This is a ‘break the glass in case of emergency’ plan to protect the Mueller investigation.” “We knew this would happen at some point,” she added. “The day has arrived.” Maddow posted the messages to her Twitter account, which has 9.54 million followers. Rachel Maddow MSNBC ✔ @maddow   It's happening. This is the "Break Glass in Case of Emergency" plan to protect the Mueller investigation. 5pm (local time) protests tomorrow/Thursday Nov 8. We knew this would happen at some point -- the day has arrived. Indivisible Guide ✔ @IndivisibleTeam Replying to @IndivisibleTeam # TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw . Trump has crossed a red line - and we’re mobilizing. In January, our newly elected MoCs should launch investigations & hearings on day one. And tomorrow at 5 PM (local time), we...

INFOWARS LIVE AT JEFF SESSIONS PROTEST IN DOWNTOWN AUSTIN - Watch as liberals lose their minds around the country

INFOWARS LIVE AT JEFF SESSIONS PROTEST IN DOWNTOWN AUSTIN Watch as liberals lose their minds around the country -  NOVEMBER 8, 2018 Infowars’ Harrison Smith is in downtown Austin, Texas to talk with anti-Trump protesters who are worried Trump is going to end the Mueller investigation after the firing of Jeff Sessions. Related: 100% Proof! Russian Collusion was a Hoax Designed to Impeach Trump and Divert Attention from Internal Email Leak & Clinton Criminal Activities

Alex Jones and Roger Stone deliver an urgent message to the President urging him to end the racketeering and collusion of the Tech Giants.

GET INVOLVED: Alex Jones and Roger Stone deliver an urgent message to the President urging him to end the racketeering and collusion of the Tech Giants.

President Trump Shares WalkAway March On Twitter As Blue Wave Fails Miserably • @WarRoomShow

President Trump Shares WalkAway March On Twitter As Blue Wave Fails Miserably • @WarRoomShow Truth Teller's Radio Episode 17 - Author John Hughes on Why You Need to Get Involved to Give America the RED WAVE It Deserves: